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K. S. Perera, K. P. Vidanapathirana, L. J. Adams, N. Balakrishnan. Symmetric double-layer capacitor with natural rubber and sodium salt-based solid polymer electrolyte and reduced graphene oxide electrodes, Journal of Energy Storage 97, 112683 (2024).
L. J. Adams, P. D. Matthews, J. M. Morbec, N. Balakrishnan. Substrate-induced strain in molybdenum disulfide grown by aerosol-assisted chemical vapor deposition, Nanotechnology. 35, 395602 (2024).
S. Bansal, V. Khanna, N. Balakrishnan, P. Gupta (Eds.). Emerging Applications of Novel Nanoparticles. Springer (2024).
K. S. Perera, K. P. Vidanapathirana, L. J. Adams, N. Balakrishnan. Sustainable supercapacitor with a natural rubber-based electrolyte and natural graphite-based electrodes, Electrochemical Science Advances e2300025 (2023).
C. Li, A. V. Scherbakov, P. Soubelet, A. K. Samusev, C. Ruppert, N. Balakrishnan, V. E. Gusev, A. V. Stier, J. J. Finley, M. Bayer, and A. V. Akimov. Coherent phonons in van der Waals MoSe2/WSe2 Heterobilayers, Nano Letters 23, 8186-8193 (2023).
S. Bansal, V. Khanna, N. Balakrishnan, P. Gupta (Eds.). Diversity and Applications of New Age Nanoparticles. IGI Global (2023).
A. Dey, W. Yan, N. Balakrishnan, S. Xie, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, O. Makarovsky, F. Yan, K. Wang, and A. Patanè, Memristive effects due to charge transfer in graphene gated through ferroelectric CuInP2S6, 2D Materials 9, 035003 (2022).
S. Xie, A. Dey, W. Yan, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, N. Balakrishnan, O. Makarovsky, Z. D. Kovalyuk, E. G. Castanon, O. Kolosov, K. Wang, and A. Patanè, Ferroelectric semiconductor junctions based on graphene/In2Se3/graphene van der Waals heterostructures, 2D Materials 8, 045020 (2021).
S. Xu, M. M Al Ezzi, N. Balakrishnan, A. Garcia-Ruiz, B. Tsim, C. Mullan, J. Barrier, N. Xin, B. A. Piot, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, A. Carvalho, A. Mishchenko, A. K. Geim, V. I. Fal'ko, S. Adam, A. H. Castro Neto, K. S. Novoselov, and Y. Shi, Tunable van Hove singularities and correlated states in twisted monolayer–bilayer graphene, Nature Physics 17, 619-626 (2021).
D. Buckley, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, N. Balakrishnan, T. Vincent, D. Mazumder, E. Castanon, Z. D. Kovalyuk, O. Kolosov, O. Kazakova, A. Tzalenchuk, and A. Patanè, Anomalous Low Thermal Conductivity of Atomically Thin InSe Probed by Scanning Thermal Microscopy, Advanced Functional Materials 31 (11), 2008967 (2021).
F. Berengure, G. Pettinari, M. Felici, N. Balakrishnan, J. N. Clark, S. Ravy, A. Patanè, A. Polimeni, and G. Ciatto, Imaging shape and strain in nanoscale engineered semiconductors for photonics by coherent x-ray diffraction, Communication Materials 1, 19 (2020).
C. Backes, A. M. Abdelkader, C. Alonso, A. Andrieux-Ledier, R. Arenal, J. Azpeitia, N. Balakrishnan, L. Banszerus, et al., Production and processing of graphene and related materials, 2D Materials 7(2), 022001 (2020).
N. Balakrishnan, E. D. Steer, E. F. Smith, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, Z. D. Kovalyuk, L. Eaves, A. Patanè, and P. H. Beton, Epitaxial growth of g-InSe and α, β and g-In2Se3 on ε-GaSe, 2D Materials 5, 035026 (2018).
D. M. Di Paola, A. V. Velichko, M. Bomers, N. Balakrishnan, O. Makarovsky, M. Capizzi, L. Cerutti, A. N. Baranov, M. Kesaria, A. Krier, T. Taliercio, and A. Patanè, Optical detection and spatial modulation of midinfrared surface plasmon polaritions in a highly doped semiconductor, Advanced Optical Materials 6, 1700492 (2018).
N. Balakrishnan, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, E. F. Smith, M. W. Fay, O. Makarovsky, Z. D. Kovalyuk, L. Eaves, P. H. Beton, and A. Patane`: Engineering p-n junctions and bandgap tuning of InSe nanolayers by controlled oxidation, 2D Materials 4, 025043 (2017).
N. Balakrishnan, C. R. Staddon, E. F. Smith, J. Stec, D. Gay, G. W. Mudd, O. Makarovsky, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, Z. D. Kovalyuk, L. Eaves, A. Patane`, and P. H. Beton, Quantum Confinement and photoresponsivity of β-In2Se3 nanolayers grown by physical vapour Transport. 2D Materials 3, 025030 (2016).
G. Ciatto, G. Pettinari , N. Balakrishnan, F. Berenguer, A. Patane`, S. Birindelli, M. Felici, and A. Polimeni, Synchrotron x-ray diffraction study of micro-patterns obtained by spatially selective hydrogenation of GaAsN, Applied Physics Letters 106, 051905 (2015).
N. Balakrishnan, Z. R. Kudrynskyi, M. W. Fay, G. W. Mudd, S. A. Svatek, O. Makarovsk, Z. D. Kovalyuk, L. Eaves, P. H. Beton, and A. Patanè, Room temperature electroluminescence from mechanically–formed van der Waals III-VI homojunctions and heterojunctions, Advanced Optical Materials 2, 1064 (2014).
N. Balakrishnan, G. Pettinari, O. Makarovsky, M. Hopkinson, and A. Patanè, Tunable spectral response by hydrogen irradiation of Ga(AsN) superlattice diodes. Applied Physics Letters 104, 242110 (2014).
G. Pettinari, N. Balakrishnan, O. Makarovsky, R. P. Campion, A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, and A.Patanè, A micrometer-size movable light emitting area in a resonant tunneling light emitting diode, Applied Physics Letters 103, 241105 (2013).
N. Balakrishnan, G. Pettinari, O. Makarovsky, L. Turyanska, M. W. Fay, M. De Luca, A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, F. Martelli, S. Rubini, and A. Patanè, Band-gap profiling by laser writing of hydrogen-containing III-N-Vs, Physical Review B 86, 155307 (2012).
N. Balakrishnan, A. Patanè, O. Makarovsky, A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, F. Martelli, and S. Rubini, Laser writing of the electronic activity of N- and H-atoms in GaAs, Applied Physics Letters 99, 021105 (2011).
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