2023 Highlights

December 2023
Congratulations to Dr Balakrishnan, Lewis Adams and their collaborators Prof. Kumudu Perara and Prof. Kamal Vidanapathirana from Wayamba University of Sri Lanka for the publication of their recent work on "Sustainable supercapacitors with a natural rubber-based electrolyte and natural graphite-based electrodes".

November 2023
Dr Balakrishnan was invited to give a public talk on "2D Materials" as part of the IOP West Midlands Branch's Keele Centre Evening Talks Series.

Dr Balakrishnan presented her group's work on supercapacitors at the 1st Annual Symposium for advanced battery materials. https://lnkd.in/eMMTSjFT

October 2023
Let's congratulate Dr Balakrishnan for joining the IOP West Midlands Committee as an ordinary member.

Congratulations Dr Balakrishnan for securing the EPSRC ECR International Collaboration grant of £200k on the project of "Smart Electrodes for Energy Storage Devices".

Dr. Nilanthy Balakrishnan visited the St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Primary School and talk about her exciting job as a "Scientist: Physics Teacher and Researcher". Key Stage 2 children were excited and several of them wants to become a "Scientist".

September 2023
Congratulations Lewis Adams for presenting his work at the Graphene Week 2023 conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.

August 2023
Congratulations Dr Balakrishnan and her collaborators for the publication of their recent work of "Coherent Phonons in van der Waals MoSe2/WSe2 Heterobilayers". in ACS Nano Letters.

July 2023
Congratulate to Lewis Adams for presenting his work at the UK Semiconductors 2023 conference. Dr Balakrishnan is proud to be the session chair of the Keynote talk given by Prof. Sarah Haigh (University of Manchester) and the Symposium TMD:2D Materials.

Congratulations Dr Balakrishnan, Dr Morbec, Lewis Adams, and Edward Black for the success of the 1-day Workshop on Materials for Sustainability at Keele. Thanks to the sponsors IOP Semiconductor Physics Group, IOP Structural Condensed Matter Group, Institute for Sustainable Futures Keele University and Horiba UK, all the speakers and attendees.

June 2023
Dr Nilanthy Balakrishnan gave an invited talk at the Landau Seminar (Loughborough University) on 7th June 2023. Her talk is entitled "From the Growth to the Exploitation of 2D Materials".

May 2023
Dr Nilanthy Balakrishnan gave an invited talk at the Materials World 2023 virtual conference on 30th May 2023. Her talk entitled "InSe-based van der Waals heterostructures for emerging technologies".

Dr. Nilanthy Balakrishnan is proud to be part of the Pint-of-Science 2023. She interacted with the public at Mellards Bar, Market Lane, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Stoke-on-Trent ST5 1AA.

Dr. Nilanthy Balakrishnan presented her group's work at the Chem2DMat 2023 conference on 15-18th May in Bologna, Italy. Her travel expenses was supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry via the Researcher Development and Travel Grant Scheme.

April 2023
Dr. Nilanthy Balakrishnan is invited to give a talk at the International Submit on Graphene and 2D Materials (ISG2D2023), which will be held on April 24-26 at Valencia, Spain.

Congratulations Dr. Suneev Anil Bansal, Dr. Virat Khanna, Dr. Balakrishnan, and Dr. Pallav Gupta for the publication of their edited book entitled "Diversity and Applications of New Age Nanoparticles".

Dr. Nilanthy Balakrishnan is pleased to be part of the conference committee of International Conference on Materials Advancements and Technology Research for Leading-edge Science (MATRLS-24).

March 2023
Dr. Nilanthy Balakrishnan is pleased to be part of the programme committee of UK Semiconductors 2023 conference (https://uksemiconductors.com/?page_id=20).

Dr. Nilanthy Balakrishnan is invited to give a talk at the Green Connect Workshop on 13th March 2023. This workshop is organized by the School of Science, Engineering, & Environment, University of Salford, Manchester, UK.

Congratulations Dr. Balakrishnan and Dr. Morbec for winning the Institute for Sustainable Futures Interdisciplinary Seedcorn Funding of £2,600 to organize the 1-day Workshop on Materials for Sustainability on 3rd July 2023 at Keele University. This workshop is also sponsored by the IOP and Horiba UK. For more information https://iop.eventsair.com/wms2023.